“Black Candle Women” is heading to the small screen. A series adaptation of Diane Marie Brown’s debut novel is being developed by Universal Television with “Bel-Air” showrunner Carla Banks Waddles writing the script, per Deadline. Released last month, “Black Candle Women” follows “generations of Montrose women—Augusta, Victoria, Willow—who have lived together in their quaint two-story…

Emilia Clarke says goodbye to the distant past in King’s Landing and hello to the near future in “The Pod Generation,” a sci-fi story that sees the Emmy-nominated “Game of Thrones” alumna exploring fertility technology. A press release announced that Roadside Attractions and Vertical snagged North American rights to the Sundance winner. Written and directed…

“Everything is feeling a bit unbelievable,” says Sterling K. Brown in a new teaser for “Biosphere,” Mel Eslyn’s feature debut. Set in the not-too-distant future, the sci-fi comedy follows Ray (Brown, “This Is Us”) and Billy (Mark Duplass, “The Morning Show”), lifelong best friends who survive the apocalypse thanks to a custom biosphere built by…