Making television history on April 15, 2024, the long-running crime drama NCIS unveiled its 1,000th episode on CBS. Aptly titled “A Thousand Yards,” the landmark episode comes full circle to address a crime that Leroy Jethro Gibbs (Mark Harmon) and his investigative team faced and failed to resolve in Season 1 in 2003. However, despite […]

Stephen King has followed up his brief initial reaction to the Netflix series Baby Reindeer with a much lengthier review, and addressed the comparisons between the series and his own classic stalker thriller, Misery. After grabbing headlines, and a chart-topping position on Netflix, Baby Reindeer continues to be the topic of conversation on social media, […]

The process of getting a film from idea conception into theaters or streaming platforms can be long and drawn out. Idea development, getting studios and investors on board, attaching on-screen and behind-the-scenes talent, filming, editing, and promotion. That only scratches the surfaces. One part of the process that some films take part in is test […]