Indian actors Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa, who tied the knot in 2021, have partnered to establish KAMPA Films, their newly minted production venture. The banner’s moniker draws from their maternal heritage, incorporating their mothers’ initials. Both actors bring substantial industry experience to their new venture. Rao has gained recognition for his versatile performances, including “Stree […]
The first bone-chilling teaser-trailer for Netflix’s “The Monster of Florence” from Italian genre specialist Stefano Sollima has been unveiled. In an exclusive with Variety, the streamer has released the first footage from the hotly-anticipated serial killer series, about a string of sex-related murders that took place outside Florence from the late 1960s to the mid-1980s. Sollima, […]
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Manchester City have been drawn to face Real Madrid in the Champions League playoff round, the fourth season in a row that the two clubs have met in the tournament’s knockout stages.
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On the fringes of an African game park, an ambitious project brings together tourists, local communities and white rhinos, emerging from the brink of extinction.
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Read More Like The Beatles’ classics “Eleanor Rigby” and “Penny Lane,” Andrew Gower’s latest single “Underground” brings to life the strangers we encounter on public transit with catchy lyricism and a stirring amount of empathy for their untold struggles. The track marks the third single release for Gustaffson’s debut album Black & White Movie, which […]
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There comes a point in everyone’s life where they have to to learn to grow up a little, and move on from their past relationships. It’s not easy, of course. There’s always much to think about. But it’s the right thing to do. Love, Brooklyn is a film about exactly this moment in the life […]
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