Unleash your inner hip hop journalist! This video reveals the secret weapon to launch a FIRE hip hop blog in just 2 minutes. Triumph Browser makes it ridiculously easy to create a sick platform to showcase your music, news, and reviews. Don’t sleep on this –  click play and get ready to drop the hottest blog in the game! #hiphop #blog #triumphbrowser #tutorial

Sometimes, closed captioning is not verbatim, meaning word for word. The wordings for closed captioning may not be precise but the meaning is always the same. Some people don’t know how to make the difference between ‘subtitles’ and ‘closed captioning’. Subtitles are different because the text will merely tell you what is being said on the video/audio part. They won’t tell you who said it and what other things (auditory) are going on. Closed captioning will not only tell you what is being said on the screen, but it will also tell you who said it and what other sounds can be heard before and after that.