As you know, we here at TAPA love visiting prop houses. That’s why we’re excited about today’s guest on The Call Sheet.
Dean Goodine is a Canadian prop master with decades of experience, including films such as Unforgiven, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford and series like A Series of Unfortunate Events. He’s worked with some of the greatest directors in the world, as well as some of the best art department crews, including his own Oscar-nominated wife, Janice Blackie-Goodine. He’s also the author of They Don’t Pay Me to Say No, a memoir/manual that’s invaluable for anyone who wants to understand props.
In this episode, we’ll talk about what is or is not a prop, how to plan for anything, and how to handle weapons safely on set. Yes, we even discuss Rust.
The audio version is available here.