Directed by Chenghua Yang. Written by Chenghua Yang & Julie Nobelen.
Synopsis: Following a break-up, Wen sinks into melancholy. She can’t talk to anyone and therefore talks to herself a lot. By understanding that it’s not love she has lost but her confidence, she will be able to reconcile with herself and feel ready to love again.
Note from the director: “This film is inspired by my own experiences. Following a difficult breakup, I withdrew into myself. More and more, I looked at my nails and scratched my skin. Alternating between manic and depressive episodes, the fear of talking to others led me to talk to myself a lot.
During this period, I expressed myself a lot by drawing and this is how the idea for this project was born. Although dealing with melancholy through depression, this film is deeply optimistic. Mourning a relationship is a long process that is different for each of us.”
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