Credit to them, The Naked Gun series never tried to be gracious with their humor. Between its slapstick, sight gags, play on words, and juvenile humor, writer-directors Jerry Zucker, David Zucker, and the late Jim Abrahams threw every kind of joke at you throughout the parody trilogy starring Leslie Nielsen as bumbling police detective Frank Drebin. Regardless of how unsubtle they are in their execution, The Naked Gun films, even its inferior sequels, are purely delightful, and you can find a new gag or punchline upon every re-watch. In certain cases, the Zuckers and Abrahams’ humor can touch the third rail, not so much from a socially insensitive lens, but by landing in hot water in court. Promotional material for the final film in the trilogy, The Naked Gun: 33 1/3: The Final Insult, spoofed Demi Moore‘s famous Vanity Fair cover photo, something its photographer, Annie Leibovitz, was not amused by.